September 2021

Throwback Thursday

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Can you guess which little lady in this picture grew up to be a teacher here at Park View? Hmm... Look closely! Can you see any other familiar faces? 

In this picture you will find Mrs. Poglajen and Mrs. Marsh as her teacher!

Fire In The Hole Fun Run

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Park View is hosting a Fun Run! If you are new to our school you might be wondering what a Fun Run is, well… Each class will be running around the field in an effort to raise money for our school! Here is how it works.

Learning with Technology

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Students here at Park View love learning with technology! Did you know that the donations you make to our school during school fundraisers help get technology into the hands of our students? Teachers are able to enrich their teaching and engaging their students through the use of technology. Check out these second graders using Chromebooks! 

Sailing For Success

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Our theme for the 2021-2022 school year is "Sailing For Success" We believe that when we set our sails in our learner and kindness qualities:

  • Question
  • Ponder
  • Persist
  • Collaborate
  • Connect
  • Reflect
  • Include
  • Compromise
  • Empathize
  • Compassion
  • Courteous
  • Patience

We will have a successful journey together! Let's sail away.


9/11 #neverforget

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Mrs. Barney's class celebrated the Patriot's Day heroes by making wind socks! Aren't they cute?

Chances are you remember exactly where you were when you found out the Trade Towers had been hit. Chances are you still remember the feelings you felt. Today marks the twenty year anniversary of that memorable day. Let's all take a moment today to be thankful for the brave men and women that worked tirelessly to save all they could that day, but also for the brave men and women serving in our own community today. 

Changes of Matter in Second Grade

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

The second graders in Mrs. Nielsen's class participated in an ice cube derby for science!  They had to work with a partner to melt their ice cubes as fast as they could, the only stipulation was they could only use body parts.  Ethan and AnnElise were the winners! Our class works so well together and we love science!

New Student Leaders!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Congratulations to all of our new student leaders!

President: Jake 

V.P: Kali 

Sec: Oakley 

Treas: Nick 

Adam, Alejandra, Casin, Hagen, Kelsie, Kimber, Corbin, Liberty, Mason, Myles, Oliver, Ruby, and Brock