An Out of This World Field Trip

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Aliens, spaceships, and laser guns…The third grade classes were glad they didn’t run into any of those things at the Clark Planetarium! Instead of those fictional items they had the awesome opportunity to interact with all things space and science on their field trip to the Clark Planetarium. The students learned things like the order of the planets, how different gases on different planets smell and even how much they weigh on certain planets. They ended their field trip with a movie in the sweet dome theater!

Farm Field Adventures

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

The second grade had a great field trip going to Farm Field Days at Harward Farms in Springville. We learned all about agriculture and why farmers and farm animals are so important to us! We learned about why eating from the four food groups helps us become strong and healthy. We even learned about bees! One of our favorite parts of the field trip was the baby animals. We saw baby goats called kids, lambs, piglets, and calves!

3rd Grade Carnival

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Bowling, ring toss, Pie Face, magic tricks, nerf guns, and musical numbers. These were just a few games featured in Park View’s very own magical third grade carnival. The third grade classes worked for months to earn carnival tickets from different techs and teachers around the school. Earning tickets was no easy task, students had to be on their best behavior, follow all the directions, be responsible, and be especially kind to others. If they were caught in one of these acts then they were rewarded with one, two, maybe ever three tickets.

3rd Grade Spelling Bee

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Right before spring break nine third grade students went head to head in Park View's annual third grade spelling bee. The words were tough but the competition was tougher. 

Our competitors were: Ryland Fratto, Ellie Houser, Kyler Allred, Garrett Shirts, Codan Davenport, Faith Fleming, Zeke Andrew, Chloe Peavler, and Jaxson Fairbourn. 

Chloe Peavler was the last one standing after a very hard competition. Congratulations Chloe! 

Our three finalist were:

3rd: Faith Fleming