Park View Boot Camp

Submitted by jessie.olsen on

Last week at Park View Elementary students participated in a Behavior Boot Camp. Classes went to different stations in the school including the playground, lunchroom, hallway, and bathrooms to learn about the expectations for behavior in each area. Park View's principal Kristie Reynolds had heard of schools doing a Boot Camp at the beginning of the year to go over rules. She designed a behavior matrix for how students at Park View should be "respectful, responsible, and ready to learn" in different highly frequented areas of the school, and she wanted those that represent each area to be the presenters. Those on recess duty taught playground rules, the office staff talked about attendance, getting sick, and making phone calls home, and the custodian and lunch secretary explained the rules in the cafeteria. Everyone was on board, from the lunch secretary to the counselor and psychologist, to the Skill Builders and office staff.

The boot camp helped the students understand expectations for behavior. Mrs. Reynolds said, "I wanted everyone to be clear about the expectations for behavior at Park View, from teachers to technicians to students. I believe if we are all using the same vocabulary and following the same rules, our unity will help students learn appropriate, respectful behavior. And if we can teach our expectations in a fun way, all the better. It will be memorable for them."

The presenters made each station fun with songs, stories, games, and demonstrations. One of the highlights was learning about how to wash our hands in the bathroom using glow-in-the-dark germs to demonstrate the need to use soap and scrub for 20 seconds. Students learned about the "2 rule" in the bathroom: take two minutes, use two squirts of soap and two paper towels, and score two points with your paper towel by throwing it in the trash when you're finished.

Students who are respectful, responsible, and ready to learn at Park View will be rewarded with tokens that can be redeemed in the new treasure tower. The boot camp contributed to greater unity throughout the school as everyone was on board to teach students how to be "respectful, responsible, and ready to learn."

Joann Kirk, Kristie Reynolds