Halloween Parade 2011

Submitted by joann.kirk on
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Now, these students are in the true Halloween Spirit! 35.9 KB
Mrs. Ewell, Mrs. Busch, Miss Shumway, Mrs. Reynolds, Mr. Gowans and Mrs. Blackham in disguise. 36.33 KB
Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Lundgren, Miss Hutchinson, Mrs. Ewell and Mrs. Mellen pose during lunch for an angelic picture. 37.51 KB
Jake Webb and Robbie Ewell - This is attitude! 37.54 KB
Mrs. Reynolds and her family wish everyone a Happy Halloween. 35.13 KB
Mrs. Smith and her Care Bear way. 38.5 KB
First graders line up for the parade. 48.92 KB
Mrs. Barney's ghouls. 44.55 KB
It this sweet Natalie? or not? 32.88 KB
Mrs. Lundgrun's sixth grade spooks 39.57 KB
Mrs. Mcintier and Mrs. Davis with their "Lucky Seven." 31.39 KB
Little Red Riding Hood and her basket of goodies. Did the wolf find her? 37.07 KB
Aly Stalcup leads her fourth grade class in the Halloween Parade. 37.06 KB
Mrs. Ewell leads her class in the parade. 35.19 KB
Our little angels? 36.48 KB
Mrs. Blackham is 'not afraid of them ghosts.' 34.29 KB
Fifth graders have talent, terror and tricks up their sleeves. 37.52 KB
Sixth graders hard at work learning their tricks. 37.06 KB
Miss Shumway leads in her unique Zombie way. 36.29 KB
You can see the tricks in their eyes. 35.17 KB
It's just plain madness! 40.83 KB
The Haunting of Park View, Chapter One 38.21 KB
Into trouble again? 34.75 KB
They make the cutest little monsters. 35.54 KB
First grade goblins 33.89 KB
Grandma Peck and her kindergarten excitement 42.41 KB
The Kindergarten class wishes everyone a Happy Halloween. 38.51 KB
Is this really the end? Happy Tricking! 42.94 KB

The students of Park View Elementary are no different than any other student in the country, They love Halloween!  They showed their excitement in dressing up and participating in the annual Halloween Parade held on October 31.  Please enjoy the pictures of our ghouls, goblins, monsters, angels and just plain unique personalities of the students of Park View.  You've gotta love 'em.

Joann Kirk, Jessie Olsen