February 2023

Nebo Parent Guidance Series -- Mental Health Awareness Opportunity

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Attention Nebo Parents:

Join our next Mental Health Series...
"Emotional Regulation: Recognizing What's Wrong"
February 22, 2023, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Go to: https://cookcenter.info/NeboFeb22

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate. We welcome you to come, learn, and participate so you can help others.

Lana Hiskey

Nebo School District Offers Love and Logic Parenting Workshop

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Nebo School District in partnership with Spanish Fork City presents a virtual Love and Logic Parenting Workshop.

“There's a lot of advice out there on how to raise your kids – some better than others. ‘Love and Logic’ is a favorite of therapists, family life educators, teachers, principals, and most importantly parents. It is practical, easy to learn, and really effective! Come and enjoy this fun, upbeat, and informative workshop full of useful tips!” – Jonathan Sherman, LMFT, Family Therapist and Parent Educator

Where: Online via Zoom

Lana Hiskey

"Watch Us Grow" Art Festival

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

It is time for our annual Park View Arts Festival! The theme this year is “Watch Us Grow”.  

There are three categories that students can enter :

  • Photography
  • Traditional Media: Paintings, watercolors, drawings, poems, etc...
  • Alternative Media: Screen prints, calligraphy, tissue paper, digital artwork, cross stitch, etc...


All entries are due by February 24th. 
