4th Grade Volunteers

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Our fourth graders have worked hard on their Fractured Fairy Tales the last few weeks and wanted to share their work with others. Ms. Seegmiller's 4th grade class joined Mrs. Gull's 2nd grade class to read them their stories. Our second graders loved being read to and were even able to take away a few ideas for their own writing. 

Walk/Roll to School Day

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Park View Elementary celebrated National Walk/Roll to School Day in the biggest way! Prior to the event, students were taught about the benefits of walking or rolling to school. They learned: Vitamin D is good for you, it's an act of self-love, it helps you connect with nature, it feels good to move your body and it is a fun way to stay physically healthy.

Fiddle Tunes String Band

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

We had our very first assembly of the year today! We were graced with a performance from the Fiddle Tunes String Band. Students were able to learn about the history of folk/bluegrass music and were taught about each of the different instruments in the band. This assembly was made possible through Arts Incorporated which brings the arts into schools around Utah. Students instantly fell in love with the style of music. They dance, clapped and toe tapped through the entire assembly. Every second was loved! 

Doug Smith Subaru Loves Learning!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

"Doug Smith Subaru believes that all students deserve an equal and fair opportunity at a quality education. They decided to partner with AdoptAClassroom.org to make a difference in the lives of both teachers and students" here at Park View! As a school we feel extremely lucky and fortunate to have Doug Smith donate to our school.

Thanksgiving Point Visits Third Grade

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Thanksgiving Point hosts a nonprofit program called "Tulips Journey North." This program provides third graders all around the state with the opportunity to become scientists in the classroom! Park View third graders were lucky enough to have scientist come to our school and help us explore different science standards. They did everything from dissect a tulip to observe and create a mealworm habitat. Thank You Thanksgiving Point Outreach program for sparking curiosity in our classrooms!

Our Park View Parent (PVP) Club Needs You!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Our Park View Parent (PVP) Club is REALLY IN NEED OF PARENT HELP. 

For those of you who are new to Park View, we do not have a PTA, rather we have a Parent Club that functions similarly to PTA. Our school needs parents to help by being part of the committees, signing up to help with events and/or be a part of the council. Please look at the links to see if there is something that you would be willing to help with. It really is a great way to become involve in your child’s school.

First Week of School!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Now that the school year is well underway let's check out what the first few weeks of school looked like for our cute Park View Bees! 

We are so excited to have our hallways and classrooms filled with students once again. This is sure to be another wonderful year.