Sing Around the Tree

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

I'm sure many of you parents are just as bummed as we are that Christmas Around the Tree was canceled this year. This is one of our favorite traditions, it always brings the Christmas spirit! Well, this year we had to improvise. We hope your enjoy this 2020 style Christmas Around the Tree: COVID-19 edition! 

Nebo Student Advocate Principal of the Year

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Park View has their very own educational celebrity walking the halls, and she has been keeping a secret! Mrs. Walker was awarded a very special award last month. She was awarded Nebo Student Advocate Principal of the Year. The award is given to the principal who "goes the extra mile on behalf of students, and is an advocate for both individuals and groups of students." Those of you who have worked or interacted with Mrs. Walker know that she couldn’t be more deserving of this award. We are so excited for her and proud to call her our principal! 

It Pays To Be Kind

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

It pays to be kind! Students have been keeping their eyes open for acts of kindness happening around our school and in return writing kindness notes. Mrs. Walker will read off a few every morning which is really fun, especially to those that are being highlighted. We wanted to highlight everyone that has been kind this year with a kindness assembly. Students were able to win prizes for themselves and their classmates. Basketballs, backpacks, posters, cold hard cash, pizza parties and donut parties were some of the prizes just to name a few. 

November Student of the Month

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

This month two students from each class were recognized as student of the month for exhibiting the learner quality PONDER. These students took the time to think deeply about what they were learning. We are so proud of them! Keep up the good work Park View Bees. 

Watch the video below to see if your child was chosen as the student of the month. 

Super Support Staff

Submitted by shanna.stirland on

Our school could not function without our Super Support Staff. Our lunch ladies, custodians, tutoring techs, secretarial staff and our other technicians that work with our students do AMAZING work.  At this time of Thanksgiving, we are especially grateful for these wonderful people who serve our school. We were able to recognize them last week with treats and posters. 

Mrs. Walker

Park View T-Shirts!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

As you know, each student in our school was awarded with a school t-shirt for helping their class accomplish a shared goal. The kids were both proud and happy to get their shirts and show their school pride. We would love for you to join us in representing our school in our "Stronger Together" shirts! This year more than ever we need the help from parents and guardians to ensure that the school year runs smoothly and we can all stay safe. We really are STRONGER TOGETHER WITH YOU! So, we invite you buy your own school t-shirt to show your Park View Pride. 

Veterans Day Parade!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Wednesday morning Park View, along with other Payson schools, had the privilege to honor and respect the many veterans here in Payson! We showered them with thanks and love as they drove by in their cars escorted by the Payson fire and police department. 

October Student of the Month

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

We are so excited to celebrate these stellar students who won student of month! These kids were chosen by their teachers because they are experts in the learning quality of questioning. Unfortunately we weren't able to have a fun assembly followed by a victory lap, however, we were able to make this fun video showcasing each student in their class. We hope that you enjoy this video as much as our students did. And way to go Park View Bees for working on the learner quality QUESTION! 


National School Psychology Week 2020

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Nebo celebrates all our school psychologists, and all they do for Nebo students.

During the week of November 9-13, 2020, schools throughout the United States will celebrate National School Psychology Week to highlight the important work school psychologists and other educators do to help all students thrive.

Lana Hiskey

Help Us Honor Veterans

Submitted by shanna.stirland on

WE NEED YOUR HELP IN FINDING AND INVITING VETERANS! There will be a reverse Veterans Day Parade the morning of November 11th.  The five elementary schools in Payson want to honor our veterans, but unfortunately in our current situation we cannot invite people to our schools.  We are going to have our military veterans gather in their own vehicles to be escorted by our city police, fire and ambulance past all of our elementary schools in Payson. 

When: November 11, 2020

Mrs. Walker