Heart Grams' Profits Will Benefit Primary Children's Hospital

Submitted by joann.kirk on

The Student Council Members are selling Heart Grams Monday, February 9th through Thursday, February 12th before school and during lunch, too. They can be purchaced for 25c each.  Heart Gram's are like a Valentine card; they even come with a small piece of candy.  Parents are able to buy them for their special Valentine as well.  The money earned will go for a good cause, the Primary Children's Hospital.  Happy Valentine's Day!



Ariana Newton

Spotlighting Mr. Broadbent

Submitted by joann.kirk on

This week we interviewed Mr. Broadbent and we learned a lot of good things. His favorite color is blue -no yellooooooowwww.  He really likes curry in most of his food.  Mr. Broadbent has 2 kids (he is expecting another one in May.)  His favorite music is country because he thinks it is different.  Mr. Broadbent is so cool; he always presents his lessons in a creative way so students enjoy learning.  He went to UVU to receive his education.   Mr. Broadbent lives in Provo, Utah.

By Sammy Godinez and Brielle Shirley

Reboot Assembly Reminds Students to Follow the Rules

Submitted by joann.kirk on

Park View held a Reboot Assembly to remind students of the rules that create safety and caring in our school.   

Let’s review some rules.  Try not to get 2 behavior tickets in one term or you will miss the behavior assembly.   Make sure to get your behavior tickets signed if you get one.  Respect others, be to school on time, walk quietly and keep your voice quiet in the halls, pick up your trash, and don’t play in the bathrooms. 

If everyone follows the rules, Park View will be the most ‘beee’autiful school around. 


Ariana Newton and Mia Rosenkrandtz

Utah County AD/HD Support Group

Submitted by joann.kirk on

If you are a parent of a child with AD/HD or you are an adult with AD/HD, then this support group is just for you!

 Thursday, February 12, 2015

7:00pm - 8:30pm

at Provo City Library, 550 North University Ave., Provo in the Young-Card Room #308

Guest Speaker:J ason H. King, Ph.D.

Topic:Medicating ADHD: What is myth, and what is reality?