Thank You, Mrs. Tuttle, our Keyboarding Teacher

Submitted by joann.kirk on

Mrs. Tuttle is leaving for the year.  She has been coming every day to teach the 4th grade students how to use the keyboard.  She was super sad to leave.  She thought that her students were so awesome.  It was fun for her to see the kid's eyes light up when they finally learned how to keyboard the right way.  She is proud to be able to teach them.  She has had the best time teaching at Park View!         


Lucy Rice, Kenzi Wall

Our New Scooter Rack

Submitted by joann.kirk on

 Thanks to Jed and Kallie Haveron, our school now has a scooter rack so students don't haved to bring their scooters inside their classroom to keep them safe. They have a child that goes to our school, Jaxton who is in Mrs. Palacios 2nd grade class. They built it just for us.  So, now we have a scooter rack!  Park View students want to thank you for your gift


Isaac Fullmer

PTA Book Fair

Submitted by joann.kirk on

 Imagine yourself walking into a room full of books for sale!  Well if you want to buy books, the book fair is great for you.

 It is Buy one, get one free! There are lots of books for lots of ages. The PTA says that so far, it has turned out great! You can go there before and after school,  It will also be open on Thursday evening during the SEP Conferences.

Enjoy reading your new books.


Tanner Goodworth

Dr Aaron Allred will speak at the CHADD Support Group on Thursday

Submitted by joann.kirk on

"CHADD" stands for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. CHADD is a non-profit national, state and local organization dedicated to educating, supporting and advocating for those affected in some way by AD/HD.

Utah County AD/HD Support Group

If you are a parent of a child with AD/HD or you are an adult with AD/HD, then this support group is just for you!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

7:00pm - 8:30pm. at Provo City Library  550 North University Ave., Provo

Young-Card Room #308