Liar, Liar!

Submitted by carrie.vannosdol on

The student council showed off their acting and lip syncing skills in order to reinforce the importance of telling the truth. They worked hard to perfect their performance in which the "Liars" received a pie in the face. The student body loved it!

Farm Field Day

Submitted by joann.kirk on

On Thursday, October 7, 2010, the second grade Park View students participated in Farm Field Day. The Utah County Farm Bureau and Utah State University Extension host the event at the Equestrian Park in American Fork. While there, students rotated to a variety of stations where they learned about health, safety, animals and products associated with agriculture. Everyone had a great time. Jacob Sorenson exclaimed, “I liked learning about bees and how they make honey because we’re the Park View Bees!” Before attending the Farm Field Day, students ate lunch and played at Discovery Park.

Laura McAllister

Arbor Day Celebration

Submitted by carrie.vannosdol on

First graders at Park View Elementary know how important it is to take care of our planet! To celebrate Arbor Day, Mrs. Kirk's first grade class sang for the mayor and members of the community at Payson Memorial Park. After their performance, students released Arbor Day balloons. Students had a wonderful time!

Laura Kirk

Park View Storytelling Festival

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park View Elementary held their annual Storytelling Festival on Saturday, September 18. The festival had many activities for the students and their families to enjoy, such as karaoke, rocket launches, hayrides, inflatable jousting, flusher, and an inflatable obstacle course. The main fund raising came from the baskets each class had prepared. Each class picked a book and then donated items to go along with the book. The baskets were then bid on by attendees of the festival. The festival raised nearly $4,000.00 for the school.

Crystal Apple Award at Park View

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Regan Lundell has been awarded the Crystal Apple Award at Park View Elementary. She is not only an exceptional teacher, but also a person of high moral character with an infectious personality.  She is esteemed as an expert teacher, faculty mentor, and a key contributor to her community.

Kristie Reynolds

Park View Has “Got Learning”

Submitted by carrie.vannosdol on

At Park View, learning is not an option. Teachers have committed themselves to making sure all students learn at high levels. This motto is not only on their shirts, it is in their instruction and in their hearts.

“We want all students to learn at high levels,” says Principal Kristie Reynolds. “According to RTI (Response to Intervention) principles, children are non-learners either because of motivation or ability. We want to make accommodations to reach both types of learners.”