Faculty Graduation!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

To finish off our college and career readiness week, we thought it might be fun to show off some of our teachers and faculty from when they graduated. See if you can figure out who is who! 

4th Grade Iditarod Race

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

The 4th graders have been exploring the Alaskan wilderness this March by taking a deep dive into the Last Great Race on Earth, the Iditarod. After researching the Iditarod, students were assigned a musher to follow along with on the trail. They checked their mushers position in the race each day and moved their flag to their most recent checkpoint. As the race is coming to a close, students are working hard on their letter writing skills by writing letters to their mushers. Pictured above is Konrad and Annette whose musher, Brent Sass, took 1st place in this year's race!


Ciara Seegmiller

Fourth and Fifth Grade Spelling Bee

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

This last week the fourth and fifth grade spelling bee finalist went head to head in the big spelling bee competition. This spelling bee was intense! Each student that participated tried their absolute best and we can call them all winners because of that. However, there was only one student who could claim the title of Park View's ultimate speller... Jacob Guerrero took the win for the second year in a row! Way to go Jake! We want to congratulate all the those that participated. 

5th Grade Wax Museum

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Earlier this month the fifth grade students had the chance to become famous... At least famous for a day. Students in Mrs. Lyman and Mr. Broadbent's class prepared tirelessly for their big debut. They were charged with the task of researching a famous person in history, preparing a speech and gathering their costumes. These kids transformed into movie stars, comedians, dare devils, scientist, and musicians. They showed off for students in the school and then again later that night in front of their parents. They did an incredible job! Now, we can all say we've met someone famous. 

Park View Arts Festival

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

We just wrapped up our annual Park View Arts Festival! This is a fun program run 100% through our Park View Parent Group (PVP). We had a big assembly to celebrate everyone who entered the festival and awards were given to those that won first, second, third place and best in show. All of the art had to fit under this year's theme of "I can be successful!" Look or the winners (best in show) hanging in the hallway by the lunchroom. 

Congratulations to everyone who entered!

Natalie Mellen Awarded Park View Teacher of the Year!

Submitted by samantha.jasperson on

Natalie Mellen, also known as Mrs. Mellen has been awarded Park View Elementary's teacher of the year! Natalie has been a teacher for fourteen years. She spent eight years teaching third grade but has called first grade her home for the last six years. One thing (among many) that we love about Natalie is that she loves her students. She looks for the best in all her students and strives for their success. She puts in countless hours lesson planning and making her classroom an engaging space. We asked a couple teachers around the school to write Mrs.