Lieutenant Wright Visits Park View

Submitted by joann.kirk on

Lieutenant Wright visited Park View Elementary on May 9, 2012 to remind students of critical safety rules as they prepare for the busy, fun-filled summer months. He urged students to use cross walks when crossing the street, to wear helmets and seat belts, and to be guarded around strangers. He reminded them that they are more important than a ball that rolls into the street. He cautioned that if they see a gun or a shot needle, to not touch it, but to get an adult to handle the situation. Lieutenant Wright’s advice was well received.

Third Grade Spelling Bee

Submitted by joann.kirk on

The third grade classes held their annual Spelling Bee on April 4th. Students practiced a list of hundreds of words for weeks to prepare for this event. One by one the students were eliminated as the words became more challenging. The last students standing were Alyssa Baker, who took 2nd place, Izzy Yama, who took 1st place and Aubrey Wengert, who became the grand champion.  Aubrey won by spelling the word 'magnificent' correctly.

Photo by Natalie Mellen

May Students of the Month

Submitted by joann.kirk on

The 2012 school year is coming to a close, however, Park View wanted to take one more opportunity to honor outstanding students of the month of May.  The student body was treated with a presentation by the afternoon Kindergarten classes.  They taught the importance of responsibility.  They sang a song about all the things they have learned in Kindergarten to prepare them for first grade, for example, doing their homework, working hard in school, and doing their best.  They know their ABCs and 123s.  If they can make it in Kindergarten, they can make it anywhere.