4th Grade Conservationists

Submitted by carrie.vannosdol on
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On February 24, the Storm Van from Utah County Stormwater Coalition came to visit Park View fourth graders. Mrs. Devlin from the County Water Department taught the students about protecting our drinking water from water pollutants, or "villains". Students were able to throw rain drops named "Billy", "Bob", and "Jo" into a collection tank. If they missed, water villains ruined the drinking water. Students discovered that pet waste, toxins from paint and gasoline, fertilizer and garbage are the main culprits behind water pollution. They were able to add these materials to a storm gutter that collected a "Pollutant Punch". Mrs. Devlin told students that it costs the city $100 a glass to purify this water. The Park View fourth graders have committed to preserving their water supply by being more aware of their environment.

Kelli Ferre